Patient Resources

We are here to support you with finding relevant information, and an overview of clinical trials and other options. Should you and your physician choose to explore a particular option, our committed patient navigator team stands ready to help you in mapping out the journey to access it.

All our services for patients and loved ones are free of charge.

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Clinical Trials
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

10 Commonly Asked Questions about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Clinical Trials

Terri Ellsworth

5 Sep 2022

9 mins read

Cancer Treatments
Brain Cancer
Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing for Brain Cancer

myTomorrows Team

2 Feb 2024

13 mins read

Digital Healthcare
Type 1 Diabetes
Disease Awareness

Diabetes Type 1 in Daily Life: What Patients Need to Know

myTomorrows Team

30 Nov 2023

10 mins read

Clinical Trials
Randomized Controlled Trials
Clinical Trial Phases

10 Questions to Ask about Clinical Trials

myTomorrows Team

22 Feb 2023

9 mins read

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mutation Types

myTomorrows Team

8 Dec 2022

8 mins read

Cancer Clinical Trials

Understanding glioblastoma recurrence and treatment options

myTomorrows Team

19 Jul 2023

6 mins read

Disease Awareness
Genetic Testing
Myotonic Dystrophy

What is Myotonic Dystrophy

myTomorrows Team

18 Jan 2024

13 mins read

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Type 1 Diabetes

Learn more about Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a complex autoimmune disorder that impacts the body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells of the body – the beta (β) cells of the pancreas. The insulin produced by these cells is crucial for transporting glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into cells, where it is used for energy. Without insulin unlocking entry pathways into cells, the body stops receiving the fuel it needs to function. 

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Neuromuscular diseases

Learn more about Neuromuscular diseases

Neuromuscular dystrophy is rare progressive neuromuscular disease which effects nerves, tissue and muscles causing them to waste away. Often muscular dystrophy is diagnosed at childhood, some types emerge in adulthood.   

Due to the nature of the disease, patients experience muscle wastage and loss which can severely affect their movement ability and sometimes their ability to breathe.   

Whilst there is no current cure for muscular dystrophy, there are a number of treatments available which can improve a patient’s quality of life. Clinical trial research continues to explore new treatments and procedures to help support patients and caregivers. 

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Brain Tumour

Learn more about Brain Tumour

A brain tumour refers to the growth of abnormal cells in or near the brain. There are over 120 different types of brain tumours depending on the tissue the tumour effects. Whilst all brain cancers are tumors, but not all brain tumors are cancerous. 

Brain tumours can cause a wide range of symptoms, however even if a tumour is non-cancerous, it can still cause harm by pushing down on areas of the brain or blocking fluid which builds pressue within the skull, and requires treatment. 

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